Franchise Opportunity

Are you are SERIOUS about running your own Home Business?

A City Magazine is an exciting home-based business unlike any other. The potential is truly amazing. If you are serious about managing your own home business and making money,  this franchise programme  may be the opportunity for you.

Local businesses are craving low-cost yet, effective advertising. A listing in your City Magazine is an ideal solution. Consumers look to the City Magazine/Directory to find all kinds of services – from restaurants and automobiles to shopping and home services.

Our Websites come loaded with features that enable you to make your online directory “unique” for your community.

You can run the local city magazine/directory website for your town! We provide the simplest and most powerful directory website software available and with our easy website management system, you can run a City Directory Website for your community and make as much money as you decide to, while enjoying the all benefits of being your own boss!

Our city magazine/guide sites come ready to sell to local advertisers! You can even customize your site to reach your specific club, organization, group or community. City Magazine is offering you a chance to manage your own web-based advertising directory and website design business. Ideal for work at home moms! We offer the most features and the most flexibility for customizing your new business to meet your preferences.

Want more details?
Drop us an email : [email protected]


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